Published 27 Jan 2022
How Aspen API acts to minimize discharges of hormone-based active pharmaceutical ingredients into the environment.
Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are recognized as a contaminant of emerging concern for environmental and human health. Designed to be biologically active, APIs are also developed to remain stable during their passage through the body. However, due to their persistence, they can accumulate in the environment with potentially significant impacts on both the environment and non-target organisms. In total, more than 770 pharmaceuticals and their metabolites can be found in the environment. Even in low concentrations, the risks associated with pharmaceuticals in the environment (PIE) need to be determined and carefully managed, with a view to minimizing their impact on people and the environment.
A growing source of API emissions is estrogenic hormones such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies, known within the chemical industry as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). As a leading producer of estrogenic hormone APIs, Aspen API is committed to minimizing the health and environmental impact of our manufacturing activities. This white paper outlines efforts to tackle this growing health issue, including the steps we are taking in our manufacturing facilities in the Netherlands to fully eliminate our API discharges into the environment.