Published 1 Jun 2022
From 14 to 25 March, Aspen API’s locations in the Netherlands, ‘De Geer’ and ‘Moleneind’ were audited by ANVISA, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency.
We are happy to announce that the Brazilian inspectors had no critical observations. This means that Aspen API’s certificates will be prolonged, and we can continue to provide the Brazilian market with our APIs.
Both the Brazilian inspection team and Aspen API were very much satisfied with the positive outcome. The inspectors indicated that they were impressed with the quality level of Aspen in the Netherlands.
We expect the official final report from the Brazilian government and the certificates for the sites Moleneind and Diosite soon.
Manager Quality Systems Ellen Louwen:
“I am very proud of this result. This could only be achieved by a continuous emphasis on quality of our entire organization, together with a dedicated focus and teamwork of all employees involved during the inspection.”
Aspen API is proud of this result and we want to thank everyone for their contribution.